SILENO is an audiovisual work that combines the roles of a meta mirror and a digital oracle to create a
one-of-a-kind journey of self-reflection.

The Sileno installation is an innovative fusion of AI and philosophy, challenging the traditional roles of oracles and questioning human cognition. For centuries, oracles have mystified humanity, offering elusive glimpses into the future and challenging seekers to interpret their meanings.
The emergence of science and artificial intelligence has begun to disrupt these traditional narratives, introducing a new form of "digital oracle" that merges machine learning with deep philosophical foundations. The Sileno installation embodies this convergence, using deep learning algorithms and synthesizing Alan Turing's imitation game and theories of narrative identity to forge a unique digital consciousness.

Unlike traditional oracles that provide answers, Sileno provokes questions, encouraging users to explore issues of cognition, emotion, and identity. In a world that often simplifies complexity, this installation utilizes artificial intelligence to address and articulate intricacy, pushing the boundaries of what we consider possible. Sileno is not just a technological wonder; it is a mirror for human introspection.
Can a machine emulate human complexity? Sileno not only poses this question but becomes an arena to contemplate it, pushing the boundaries of technology and human self-understanding.

AUGE NEXT will engage youths and creatives to navigate the challenges of the future of Europe in the time of pandemics, climate change, digital transitions, economic transformation, and war. The project aims to explore current living, learning, and working environments from the perspective of four European countries: Latvia, Germany, Italy and Greece.
With a Europe-wide inclusion and outreach. Youths and emerging artists will be involved in co-creation programmes to build communities through the Artathon (Nov. 22), which will be simultaneously organised in the partner cities of Milan, Riga, Berlin and Athens. Afterwards, participants will learn to develop innovative languages and perspectives (data, AI, VR) in capacity-building WEBINARS, apply to an interconnected Fellowship programme (2022-23), and co-create digital artworks (2023-24) that seek to raise awareness around the urgent issues that shape Europe’s connected future. The resulting work will be presented in exhibitions (2024) in Milan, Riga, Berlin and Athens, and at a joint final hybrid event (2024) in Milan.

Credits for the SILENO AUGE NEXT – Augmented Europe | Next Challenges project:
SILENO AUGE NEXT – Augmented Europe | Next Challenges is a project co-funded by the Creative Europe Programme by the European Union.
Themes addressed:
- Diversity and social inclusion - MEET Digital Culture Center, Milan, Italy
- Climate change - RIXC - The Center for New Media Culture, Riga, Latvia
- Future jobs - ADAF - Athens Digital Arts Festival, Athens, Greece
- Nature, Data, Narratives - Public Art Lab, Berlin, Germany
Anecoica Studio:
- MARCO ACCARDI: art concept, software engineering, research
- SABRINA PIPPA: communication and design
- ALESSANDRO DE ANGELIS: project management
- GABRIELE SCALICI: AI engineering
- GIOVANNI MUZIO: AI engineering, creative coding
Artists’ Residency which started in December 2023 and will include a local exhibition in Berlin (20 January 2024 for Vorspiel/CTM/Transmediale) and a final presentation in Milan (23-26 May 2024 at MEET digital culture center)
Public Art Lab has chosen Anecoica Studio to sponsor and support the Sileno initiative through an art residency grant.